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Hoodoo Home Purification: Rituals for House Cleansing and Protection with Chris

  • Triple Goddess 10351 Warwick Boulevard Newport News, VA, 23601 United States (map)

In "Hoodoo Home Purification: Rituals for House Cleansing and Protection," Chris, a seasoned Hoodoo practitioner, will guide you through the powerful practices of cleansing and safeguarding your home. You'll learn the traditional methods of removing negative energies and enhancing the protective aura of your living space. Chris will share the secrets of using herbs, oils, and incantations to purify and bless each room, ensuring a harmonious and safe environment. This class offers practical, hands-on rituals and the knowledge to maintain a spiritually fortified home. Whether you're new to Hoodoo or looking to deepen your practice, Chris's expertise will provide you with valuable tools for creating a sanctuary of peace and protection.

*Limited Spaces Available

*Contribution: $25

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